SEO (Search Engine Optimization) by Locsea, Leading Digital Marketing Agency in Chennai

SEO is an art of building online references for your Brand. We build references for your websites by providing regular updates to relevant visitors through various sources like Google MyBusiness, Blogs, etc., We measure our performance using Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

Note: It takes 2 to 5 years to build your references online by doing White Hat SEO activities to rank higher in Search Engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. It is similar to how you build references offline.

What do we do as part of SEO for your Business?

Track and produce actionable insights using website visitor statistics from Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

Improve Local SEO by having active Google MyBusiness setup, Local Directory Submissions and posting classifieds.

Having your website active is key. Updating all Technical and Content information on a daily and weekly basis is required. We provide content and technical suggestions to make your website active. You will need to implement all those suggestions with the help of your website development team. (Note: we do not provide website development support). We provide only content to be updated. We provide content like:

  • Sitemap.xml
  • Robots.txt file
  • Title
  • Meta Description
  • Image Alt Text
  • W3C Validation reports
  • Page Speed Insights report to fix up website errors

To build references, we setup and maintain profiles for your business:

  • Blogger
  • WordPress
  • Tumblr
  • SlideShare
  • Other Blogs

Be active in Forums by answering FAQ and posting informative content

Announcing key activities in Bookmarking Websites

120+ Clients Worldwide

Client Testimonial

LocSea and their team are a real gem in an ocean of online marketing professionals. I started using their service over 18 months ago- with adwords and started seeing impactable changes in less than a month and they now are in charge of my SMO and SEO strategy, Google AdWords and Analytics and continue to impress with their dedication, strategy and results.
– Harry (